Making of – City Module by M3 Architects
Hello guys!
My name is Alex Melnik. We are M3 Architects and our team is based in Odessa, Ukraine.
M3 Architects represents City Module project which was developed with a team of developers. This building can be located as in natural environment as in an urban area. The modern building can attract young active people and become the new space for tourists. We are inspired by the experience of our European colleagues we think that modern buildings can emphasize the charm of the historical environment of an old city. There were used local materials that are common in the region. For example concrete, wall panels, metal mesh, aluminium.
One of the most important stages was to find and choose the particular references.
The model was prepared in SketchUp. After importing the model into 3ds Max all the geometry was processed. This is important because it is more convenient to provide material and texture settings and the editions.
Most of the scene items and elements such as windows, doors, tables, armchairs, chairs, sofas, bar table and lightning were modeled individually. We found the decorations models at Evermotion and 3DSky websites.
All the materials were processed separately. The textures are from Siger Shaders.
We used CoronaSky for the night camera view. We used a couple of different HDRI’s from Viz-People with CoronaSun settings for the daylight camera view.
We often add 6 elements into Render Elements – Indirect, Reflect, Refract, Translucency, WireColor, BloomGlare and AO. We also used Albedo Interactive additionally for the material settings. For the exterior renderings in GI we used Path Tracing / Path Tracing. For the interior renderings we used Path Tracing / UHD Cache. We also used Denoiser, Bloom and Glare, as you could see in the picture above. We increased the value of GI vs AA balance for the speed of rendering process to 64 and it was reduced during DOF renderings to 8.
We used different values of Local Length for each camera view. There were used bokeh textures for DOF.
They were prepared specifically for this project. We attach them to the article for general access. DOWNLOAD
We used Photoshop CC and Nik Collection for the post-production. There are the general layers that were used during the post-production.
Final Thoughts
We are grateful to Viz-People for the invitation. We hope this short article will help you to approach new goals. You can follow our new projects at our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/M3archtcts/) and at our web-site (m3arch.com). Looking forward to share our new experience soon.
Best regards,
Alex Melnik.
Final Renders